Friday, September 7, 2012

The Aftermath

"There is but a step between me and death" 1 Samuel 20:3

Never has a quote hit me so hard like that. You never realize how close we are to the next life. But why think that? Shit is depressing. Embrace the life that had been given to you. You got people with silver spoons in their mouth bitchin and moanin bout how their life sucks. But we have to truly wonder...what in their life are they embracing? Cuz money isn't making their life but rather is it holding them back? My words might be all over the place but these are rather thoughts and wonders I've gathered this time. I have always stayed positive. Nothing in this world will keep me from being otherwise. No matter what obstacles are given to me. I've almost experienced death myself. I came bak stronger and I have an urge to do it things at the highest level. Cuz you never know what's next. If the fates allow. If Christ spares my life. Let me be great. Let me leave a mark on this world. Let me be a good influence on my future children and my family. Because at the end of the day, I am only but a step between myself and death

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