Monday, June 29, 2009
New Artist: J Luve

Right here is his Myspace to preview his track: A Lesson In Life & Follow him on twitter
JLuve Music Myspace Page
J Luve Twitter Page
Friday, June 26, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Boredom Session Vol 1
Had to get the iPod, n jot it down, no questions.
Seems like June is the wet month, stay wit orgasms
I'm surprised mother nature ain't dealin with back spasms
But anyway, how y'all doin out there?
I c the fine lookin ladies breakin necks without a care
One said her ass is out of this world, Assteroids
My eyes got stronger lookin at it; stare-roids
I like how cats is mad that I'm cool wit they girlfriend
They think that she might hook up wit the gentleman
But don't let her paranoia push her away see
Cuz soon she'll b beggin 2 IF YOU SEEK AMY
Wow. Can't believe I used that line
Skateboardin down the halfpipe, I stay on my grind
I sometimes like my shirts like my girls; night
They kiss me on my head so I guess it's goodnight..
And this all was thought up in like 5 min while takin a shower LOL
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
I'm So Over It
I used to think bout ya feelings, but now I'm Brainless
Excuse me, thoughtless. Its different when i c u
Used 2 b my main focus, now I look past you
Honestly I'm not being mean, this real talk
Used 2 sulk down the street, now I got a new walk
Hit chicks with the smalltalk, or give em a look
Aint tryna steal hearts, Dont wanna b a crook
I was stressed when you left me, didnt eat 4 weeks
Now I'm an animal, the world is my feast
Mad at this new me? Cant imagine how
U wit ya man, I'm wit whoever here now
We finally real friends now, i can live with it
I'm makin these moves now, I can Never sit
Gunna party,work,flirt, in ma GFE Cap
Someone call the director n tell em its a wrap.
(Jus wanna tell heads I'm a lot better these days. No more Stressin. No more sulkin. No more depression. I'm doin me officially now. GFE/ADD/MR. V FRIENDLY Status)
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Just One Night
She wondering what she'd do witout me
Nothing but touchin n rubbin
Addicted 2 this lovin
We got temperatures rising, who put on the oven?
She is practically my favorite flavor
The taste of her I try to savor
Our deepest fantasies we don't hide
She let's me inside
her mind
And she always let's me ride
We make up our own positions
Bring reality to our visions
And she don't want me to leave her
She jus want it deeper and deeper
She take control she a natural born leader
So juicy, she make my mouth water
I could see her havin my daughter
But I'm safe so my time is jus right
She hit dat climax, she can see the light
And this only went down one night
Friday, June 5, 2009
Top 50 Internet Acronyms Parents Need to Know: text messaging - netlingo
1. 8 - Oral sex
2. 1337 - Elite
3. 143 - I love you
4. 182 - I hate you
5. 459 - I love you
6. 1174 - Nude club
7. 420 - Marijuana
8. ADR - Address
9. ASL - Age/Sex/Location
10. banana - Penis
11. CD9 - Code 9 - it means parents are around
12. DUM - Do You Masturbate?
13. DUSL - Do You Scream Loud?
14. FB - F*** Buddy
15. FMLTWIA - F*** Me Like The Whore I Am
16. FOL - Fond of Leather
17. GNOC - Get Naked On
18. GYPO - Get Your Pants Off
19. IAYM - I Am Your Master
20. IF/IB - In the Front -or- In the Back
21. IIT - Is It Tight?
22. ILF/MD - I Love Female/Male Dominance
23. IMEZRU - I Am Easy, Are You?
24. IWSN - I Want Sex Now
25. J/O -
26. KFY -or- K4Y - Kiss For You
27. kitty - Vagina
28. KPC - Keeping Parents Clueless
29. LMIRL - Let's Meet In Real Life
30. MOOS - Member Of The Opposite Sex
31. MOSS - Member(s) Of The Same Sex
32. MorF - Male or Female
33. MOS - Mom Over Shoulder
34. MPFB - My Personal F*** Buddy
35. NALOPKT - Not A Lot Of People Know That
36. NIFOC - Nude In Front Of The Computer
37. NMU - Not Much, You?
38. P911 - Parent Alert
39. PAL - Parents Are Listening
40. PAW - Parents Are Watching
41. PIR - Parent In Room
42. POS - Parent Over Shoulder -or- Piece Of Sh**
43. PRON - Porn
44. Q2C - Quick To Cum
45. RU/18 - Are You Over 18?
46. RUH - Are You Horny?
47. S2R - Send To Receive
48. SorG - Straight or Gay
49. TDTM - Talk Dirty To Me
50. WYCM - Will You Call Me?
· 50 More Internet Acronyms Parents Need to Know
· NetLingo List of Acronyms and Text Message Shorthand
OMO will have one soon..maybe lol. But holla at us we don't bite just sayin thanx 4 the love feel me?? REMEMBER WHY NOT WEDNESDAYS @ CLUB SAMBA 4 ALL MY PHILLY DELAWARE JERSEY HEADS..ADD WILL BE IN THE BUILDING..HOPEFULLY LOL. THIS WEEK 90'S VS THE MILLENIUM PARTY.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Blank thoughts
At times I think the world lives 4 me to say the least
I feast on the cash or on these girls
But I choke when they cry bout wanting diamonds and pearls
How bout you take a blow pop and suck on it
Or play this game called "Life, try ya luck on it.
I'm still single, got a couple jobs, and no babies.
Yet bitch niggas get all the dimes, ain't that right ladies??
But nah this aint about being mad at other genders
Cuz if a group of yall wanted 2 fight me, I'd surrender
This just another random mind explosion
Done by the secret that the Galaxy is withholding
And you dont want the truth, you jus living for the now
Yet u bitchin bout ya life, and I can't imagine how
I can tell u bout ya self, n u deny it left n right
But in the back of ya mind, u saying that I'm right
Why dont I have an off switch? Cuz I'm built for today
Y Spectacular doin these grind offs claimin it aint gay?
Sometimes u gotta forgive me 4 what I say
Cuz I seem to careless, I jus was born this way.
Blank thoughts can become such classics
Flippin over obstacles, straight doin gymastics
I'm spittin out these thoughts, but I'm losing saliva
Someone please tell me when my times up?
Times up...
iGFE/GCE/ADD..tha usuall lol
Monday, June 1, 2009
"Make It Last" Panama
upcoming artist from NY, heard this record once before but never could find it. glad to see this dude on here, brings the feeling that people are hungry again.