Sunday, October 23, 2016

All Jokes Aside

If I hear "I play too much" ONE MORE TIME

If she speaks of me being too funny again

I'd be convinced that I should turn myself in

Only clown sighting I see is me

One of then Goofy dudes she's humored by

Residing in the green turf between the friend zone & the end zone

I no longer want to rush & I'm not running back

But we offset eachother with penalties on both sides

So midfield is where I stay

She giggles a bit & find my analogies "cute"

I roll my eyes and go back to my one man show

And what is it about airline food?

Whatsup with that?

All jokes aside though.

What is it about her?

What is up with her?

How could she find a soft spot behind a stone cold face?

Words from a monotone voice 

Suddenly generate octaves as you activate your humorous ways

Now we both laughing.

You found cracks in this statue 


I'm feeling Max exposed 

I'm more of a PJ though

Under all these muscles its a relaxed chubby guy

Zoned out by the flows and the bongos

Yet she finds that extremely goofy.

All jokes aside. 

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